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Dashboard Explanation


Repeater Dashboard.
HotSpot Dashboard.

Last Heard.

This Window shows the  Last Heard.
You can see what each section displays and easy to follow.
* Name See info bottom of page.

Linked Hotsopts or Repeaters.

This Window shows many things.
1. Callsign (DMR ID) Info – Shows what Repeater or Hotspot is live on FreeDMR UK.
If your Hotspot shows on the Hotspot Dashboard you have connected successfully.
2. The rest I think we can skip over.

Orange Bar This shows someone is TXing and what Talk Group is being used, (23510)
Green Bar This shows that the Repeater or Hotspot is RXing that Talk Group, (23510)

Static Talk Groups.

Shows what Talk Groups is set as Static on each Repeater for each Slot.

* Name.
This is the site we use to get your First name, Callsign, ID from.
FreeDMR UK only uses the info under First Name, Callsign, ID.
We update the Data Base around every 30 days.

Keep your Information up to date on.


For more Information/Connecting to FreeDMR UK have a look at How To –





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