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FreeDMR Network Talk Group Allocation

Like other Networks we use MCC ( Mobile country code ) to allocate Talk Groups by country.

    • 2: Europe
    • 3: North America and the Caribbean
    • 4: Asia and the Middle East
    • 5: Australia and Oceania
    • 6: Africa
    • 7: South and Central America
    • 9: Worldwide
Talk Group Structure
Talk Groups Allocation of OPB
1 to 8
Local to Repeater Cluster, Bridges or Local
9 Local Slot 1  or  Dial-a-TG on Slot 2
10 to 79
Local to your Server or In Country
Bridges or Local
80 to 89 Local to your Server or In Country
Bridges or Local
91 Worldwide Call
92 to 199 Local to your Server or In Country
Bridges or Local
Countries MCC
Worldwide Talk Groups via OPB
800 to 899 Local to your Server or In Country
Bridges or Local
900 to 909 *Worldwide Events up to 4 dig 907 to 9078 Jota Yota
910 to 949 *Worldwide Events 3 dig only 4 dig Can be Local to your Server or In Country via TGID_ACL:
950 to 9989 *Worldwide Events up to 4 dig 973 SOTA, 9517 M17
9990 to 9999 **Functions Local to your Server 9990 Echo
900999 **D-APRS

Red Talk groups = Server only
Green Talk groups = FreeDMR Network


 This should be the default on all servers OPBs.
 TGID_ACL: DENY:0-89,92-199,800-899,9990-9999,900999

*Naming and allocating of this range of Talk Groups will be done via all Server Owners
**Sent from radio as Private Call.
9990 Echo.
4000 Unlink. TG4000 is not unlink, as not required. As a **private call via Dial-a-TG it is an unlink function.

Countries – MCC Talk Groups

3 digit up to 5 digits for Main Named Talk Groups. This gives you up to 100 Talk Groups.
example UK 235, 2350 to 23599.  ( * You still have 6 and 7 Dig Talk Groups )

6 Dig ID Talk Groups is normally used by Repeaters
*  7 Dig ID Talk Groups is normally used by End Users, Groups, Clubs etc

Every country has a block of 100 TGs they can use. (MCC to MCC99).
This is to form structure by naming some for users to follow.
Or for bridges.

All Repeaters have 1 TG. Their 6 dig ID (*Not Named)
They could be used for a bridge also and be named if required.

All Users have 1 TG. Their 7 dig ID (*Not Named)
They could be used for a bridge also and be named if required.

Bridges and Naming TGs should be done via the country server owners and when more than one Server in a country by all servers working together.

talk group Naming and allocation

This is done by the Servers in each country and within your MCC Allocation.
If more than one server is in your country, you work together.
In the UK we have some rules for ones to follow.

Naming TGs should be kept to a min at all times.
*If you do name a 6 or 7 dig TG for a club or bridge, and it is no longer in use. It is down to you to de-name it.
Also make sure they own that 6 or 7 Dig ID they wish to name.

If you want a 6 or 7 Dig Talk Group named. Speak to @Mark2W0YMS.

WorldWide Talk Groups

This is a list of all Named Talk Groups in use.
Users can also use non named Talk Groups via OPB.
Naming TGs should be kept to a min at all times.

Local talk groups

You can make them local this way.
As only local to your server, they do not get named on the World Wide Talk Group list.

Getting your Talk Groups Listed

Admins can do this now via the online section.
Users need to speak to Admins for their country.




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